Va Nedbank Motor Finance Corporation va voni vito ra Brian Shivambu ri ri tlhelo ka 16million va vhe va londa mali ya vona. Mbuyangwani ve yi na tin’wheti ta ntsevu yi nga hakeli movha, hi loko va yi tekela magoza ya nawu ivi yi rila yi lumbeta va Nedbank ku va n’wu navelala ku n’wu vona na a wini.
The court papers show that Shivambu bought the car in December 2016 for R381,000, was expected to pay 70 monthly instalments leading to the car being paid off in January 2023, but in 2018 defaulted on payments for six months. One of a series of letters dated August 20 2018 threatens to repossess the car if payments are not made – ku vika va phepha-hungu ra The Citizen