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Unpopular Xitsonga singles worth a listen: Mabakanyi – vana va valoyi

This is a curated guide for outsiders and socially outdated Vatsonga who enjoy Xitsonga music to keep up with the latest releases on the streets worth giving a listen. This is done hi ririmi ra xikhegudyani lexiya xo khonyana xa Munghezi ku genge ya le Midrand yi ta twisisa.

The perfect single to introduce you to Mabakanyi is ‘vana va valoyi‘, which is a story of a musician who  discovers that his peers wish death on him. Vana va valoyi narrated over a Tsonga Electro beat with African Zion gospel influence. On vana va valoyi (which means children of witches) Mabakanyi calls out his enemies for bewitching him and praying through the likes of Bushiri to cast death on his life. The song is fast, and Mabakanyi is able to deliver the emotions and switch flows with ease.


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